Saturday, July 23, 2011


Mom was taken home yesterday and is clothed in white.
She knows no more tears, no more pain.
We prayed that she might be released from her struggle.
We begged God to take her home.
Thank you Father.
Dearest mother, as she lay struggling to breathe and I kneeled by her bed with tears streaming down my face, she reached for a tissue and wiped my eye and said, "Ach, lievert" and comforted me who should have been comforting her. She was mom for a short moment again, and I the child.

The reality needs to be tucked away for another day, it just can't be faced yet.

It rained tonight, a refreshing down pour after weeks of oppressive heat. The hydrangeas are in bloom. One stood in a vase beside her bed. My garden is full of them. They are renewed by the rain.


  1. Dearest M
    God's timing is always perfect, yet it does not remove the sorrow of losing your mom. She was a blessing to many.
    May you feel God's nearest and His love surrounding you. Praying for you all,
    love B

  2. Dear, dear Marieke,
    God is God, and God is good. He makes all things beautiful, in His time. As a photographer, you know that your Mom taught you to see beauty in everything. She lived, and loved, to the praise and glory of Him.
    She was an inspiration to many, and she was loved, very much, by many. Her faith has become sight for her. God wrote her name in the palm of His hand, and she is His.
    She leaves a void, the pain is real, and our prayers continue to be with you.
    Gayle JvD

  3. Marieke,

    I only know your mom through your beautifully written expression of her on this site.

    Your words of kindness are inspirational and gently remind us all of the gratitude we have for having a mother and for being a mother in this life.

    Many Blessings,

    Donna (Boot's)

  4. The LORD's loved ones are precious to him; it grieves him when they die.

    Psalms 116-15
