Friday, April 29, 2011

april 29th

April draws to a close as masses witness a wedding,
and a child is home from abroad
and a mother lies weak in her bed,
and the daffodils bloom in the gardens.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

bumbles and blossoms


Aaahhh, the joy of it!
The giddiness of plunging into puddles,
the exuberance of running along muddy trails,

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

american gold finches

in their summer finery...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

Spring's first fruits are plucked by little hands
and tucked into the glass on the windowsill,
by the rosy cheeked one and the blue eyed one
and the brown eyed one too,
and the smell of the fresh air is in their hair
as I pull them close and breath a prayer
of thanks to them
and for them
and their gifts.

And He, the first fruit,
plucked from the tomb,
with eternity in His eyes
and the scent of heaven in His hair,
pulls us close and breathes a prayer
of mediation for us.
Thanks be to Him for this indescribable gift.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

april 17th

Cold and blustery, the morning dropped snow onto the timid lives,

and I grumbled about the weather and the wind

until I stepped outdoors and discovered diamonds;
some scattered amongst the greens
others tucked into the folds of the monocots.

Pearls of great price easily found when sought.
Blessings abundant for open grateful hearts.

Grumbles evaporate like the april snow
when humbled by the Creator's Glory.
Pettiness dissipates
when confronted with miniscule majesty.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


The moon magnifies,

the songbird sits,

while the branches raise their limbs in mute praise.
And the day draws to a close.

Monday, April 11, 2011

april 11th

Blessed are all bulbs and seeds,
for they are promise of a spring to come,
for they are symbols of a world to be,
a promise of immortality,

of life out of death
and hope within despair,
of whiter dawns on other days,
of harvest, beautiful and brown,
of plenty and prophesy.

William L. Stidger

It was warm today, warm and windy. The day holding promise of sunnier tomorrows. Seasons without end. Yesterday afternoon I sat outside with mom for a little while. I bare armed, mom in blankets. Wondering how many more tomorrows we would share and basking in the warmth and light of the day and the moment. Thankfulness filling our hearts.

Monday, April 4, 2011

spring day

Surprisingly mild temperatures after last night's snowfall
leave miniature puddles in the peeping tulips.

Spring, it holds me
in its cleansing waters-
Rebirth and renewal
yet again.

Friday, April 1, 2011

april first

a sundog hangs low in the evening sky
mallard ducks are migrating north and congregating in the fields