Friday, December 31, 2010

the concert of life

I counted 26 mourning doves on the wires before a few flew off.

It made me think of music, notes perched on the treble cleff, in a rather unimaginative tune.
It made me think of the well known quotation: "In the concert of life we receive no program".
It reminded me that the Maestro has the book ever before Him and that we don't need a program. We need to keep our eyes on Him and He leads note by note and moment by moment.

The year slips away and 2011 will bring challenged, enormous challenges. Yet each moment is orchestrated by the creator who has infinite love for us. Amazing!

chickadee and gold finch

Tiny creatures that live moment by moment, day by day,
never worrying about tomorrow.

mild weather

The surprisingly mild weather seems a gift. A reprieve.
The holiday season likewise a reprieve
before the whirlwind of appointments
and unknowns are plunged into.
In the meantime we sit,
quietly savoring the blessings of today.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Like a whisper,
the wings whoosh in and out,
then momentarily stationary
but tail-a-tremble
and impossible to hold
this wee bird-

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Who can begin to understand the ways of God?

Circumstances can leave you bewildered
as life hurtles forward
and when you take a step back
it seems you gain perspective
and tensions ease.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

christmas, for mom

The humble and the simple, clinging to life, in a stable, of all places.
Did His mother think..."No, not here, he can't be born here! The setting is not right, the atmosphere not proper for a king!"

In this week of christmas, I longed for voices raised in praise. Yet, when I did raise mine it was shrilly, in frustration. I wished for Martha Stewart and turned into Martha, complaining to Jesus, that sister Mary wasn't doing her share, nor was anyone else. Moms get tired and moms forget to get on their knees and listen to the child born humbly. Moms try to create atmosphere forgetting that God Himself came to a stable. Moms try to make sure everyone has gifts, forgetting that the Child had nothing. Moms go to church on Christmas and their ears don't hear the message the shepherds heard in amazement.

Some mom's hold broken children and need to feel the Christ child's love. This child holds a broken mother and slowly the love seeps into her. And finally the message sinks in.

Humble, broken, and redeemed. In the still and small voice. In the small lousy stable. In a petty cranky heart. God passes through.

Feathers in the wind, clasping for dear life, learn to let go, to trust and be blown.

And He, wee child grown into a man, didn't complain. And He, wee child grown into God calls us all to Him. To trust, to let go, and to by one until He comes a second time.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


The last time I photographed a lunar eclipse was more than 10 years ago.
Today I started at the complete eclipse and watched it till the moon was almost full again 2 hours later.
It was quiet outside, at 3:00, and the wispy clouds blew past so that the eclipse was fully visible.
The world was asleep while I was awake and outdoors. A few shooting stars spritzed out of sight and I felt pleased to be able to witness this creation of the spinning earth and moon.

The moon is almost full again, the bare legs wrapped in housecoat chilled, the heart pleased.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Snow

It sifts from leaden sieves,
It powders all the wood,
It fills with alabaster wool
The wrinkles of the road.

It makes an even face
Of mountain and of plain, -
Unbroken forehead from the east
unto the east again.

It reaches to the fence,
It wraps it, rail by rail,
Till it is lost in fleeces;
It flings a crystal veil

On stump and stack and stem, -
The summer's empty room,
Acres of seams where harvests were,
Recordless, but for them.

It ruffles wrists of posts,
As ankles of a queen, -
Then still its artisans like ghosts,
Denying they have been.

Emily Dickinson

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

low light

all the world is sparkling

Tiny flakes sparkle on their haphazard trip from heaven to earth
and appear orb-like through my lens.

* * * * *

As they alight the miniscule orbs reappear as flakes, each of intricate and unique design.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

minus 10

Summer's remnants wear white top hats and the snow is crunchy underfoot.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Anticipated snow drips
from the sky in endless drizzle
on an above zero day.

Yet, as drops clutch tightly
on summer's remnants
dreary turns to dazzle.

I'm left wondering if there are always these elements of beauty even when life is gray and when drizzle falls. When promised mantles of white seem to be exchanged for mud tattered rags. When hearts are gray and souls are dark and hope seems to belong to a previous season.

Tales of troubles, that are completely beyond my comprehension and experience, move through my mind and I wonder if I could still see it... still see the beauty.

God promises it.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

frost on window

Loveliness can be found at home
above a sink of soaking dishes
as the rising sun shines in
and children chatter at the table.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


oops, bulbs not dug up


They have succumbed to the new season
and hang their heads in submission
yet their colour remains vibrant.
Valiant little reminders of summer.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7

Sometimes there are no words to share,
just a pleasing image of a field
of lines and texture and contrast.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Give us this day our daily bread;
food for nourishment,
clothes to cover us,
shelter to give us warmth
friends and family to love us
and beauty to inspire us.

That our kingdom tasks may be completed.

"All I have needed Thy hand has provided..."

Friday, December 3, 2010


It once was the family farm of the town's triplets.

The doors are wide open in welcome
to critters,
panes once sparkling
long shattered,
the clean swept floor
foot deep in litter.

All of it crumbling with neglect.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


it is snowing

God sees the little sparrow fall
it meets His tender view...

Gently snow falls here
through a thin sky
that filters the sunlight,
while sparrows sing
and it makes one feel
that all is right with this world.

Across this country
my friend from across the years
still sits bedside,
by her damaged child
and waits for her to awaken
to the harsh realities of brokenness-
where all is not right with the world.

and I pray for them
to meet His tender view.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


they fall from the sky relentlessly
and gather on the steps
before dropping down again.

Monday, November 29, 2010

feathered folk

They fly in from all directions
with a whirring of wings
and a flurry of feathers
nuthatches, chickadees, and cardinals,
house finches and gold finches,
junkos and woodpeckers.

I stand and listen and watch
and am blessed
by these small feathered folk.

thank you again

Thank you for the sunshine of a new day,
for the frost that sparkles and the light that illuminates
for the sleepy boys that snuggle on my lap
for the strong and steady and hardworking man
for good friends that are forthright and godly
for health, for food, for comfort,
For grace to start each day afresh.

Sometimes we lose sight of the mountains of blessing in our lives.
There are times when the equilibrium is off.
Times when the d0-it-agains and the not-yet-dones loom large.
Moments when we just can't see the sunshine and we loiter in the shadows.
Yet each new day He reaches down and pours down grace
and douses us with every good thing.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

elusive light

Before the day burns bright or the night wraps us in darkness
and the shadows are long and the light is slanted and warm
nature is at its loveliest and I wonder if it is then that the heart is most receptive,

and that thankfulness springs into our hearts.

Is that how it is with life? That the times that we are on the brink of black or on the upside of the dark that our souls are the most aware of the Light?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

quizzical finch

Why, oh why is that woman always rushing outside
when I pause awhile in the tree
beside the porch
where she has hung our feeders ?

aaahh... she is always in pursuit of the elusive perfect photo!

Friday, November 26, 2010


In the hustle and the bustle, the worry and the hurry
I step outside and shut the door behind me
and see this little fellow sitting near by
and it is like taking a deep breath of air.

Creator God is Good.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

the breath of the LORD

"All men are like grass,
and all their glory is like the flowers of the field.
The grass withers and the flowers fall,
because the breath of the LORD blows on them.
Surely the people are grass.
The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the word of our God stands forever."

Isaiah 40: 6-8

I have a friend from long ago
who has a daughter, slightly older than mine,
fighting for her life.
and I really don't know how a mother's heart can break
but I pray for them, and pray for them,
and am reminded that life is a cycle of growing and dying
Until He Comes.....


150 years old and it stands strong and sturdy
abandoned and awaiting attention
or not