In the early summer the patch between the neighbours and us was sweated over, grass removed, soil turned and a bed prepared. Norah and I generously tossed wildflower seeds with visions of thousands of lovely blossoms and of butterflies flitting and of birds enjoying the bird bath set in the middle of this garden. On returning from vacation we saw hardly a bloom and and weeds that were 5 feet high. I yanked and dumped - all the while thinking of the sower's seeds falling among the thorns and being overcome by them. And certainly there are days just like that- when things seem to overpower us and we feel stifled and out of control and incapable of blooming. Pray that they are days only and not a lifetime.
And life's stories are the garden's tales.
And with the act of weeding comes comprehension.
And after weeding the flowers have another chance at blooming.
Thanks for reminding me that troubles are only temporary and, for those who love Him, will be turned to good....a day only, not a lifetime.