Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Pink is not the sort of colour we expect in Indian Summer Days
yet the rose blooms spring like in front of the window 
in innocent defiance of the season.

And I wonder about the seasons in our life, 
these indian summer days of mine
when a wee soul alights beneath my heart for 5 short weeks
and then flits away to eternity and to God 
and to an Oma gone before.
And it is impossible to begrudge the beginnings of a soul
and the departure of a miniscule infant to go to her God
and be spared these seasons down below.

Still dreams began and  budded and blossomed
with thoughts of wee smiles, and dimpled hands. 
And thankfulness overwhelmed- 
that another child of God had been entrusted to me 
in these indian summer days, 
But dreams pass
and tears honour the child 
and painful trust honours the Father.


  1. i have been (secretly) following your blog for several years, but this post compelled me to comment. i was moved to tears, understanding your emotions, and admiring your faith in the plan that the creator of life has for you.

    thank you for your inspiring and uplifting blog!


