Monday, March 21, 2011

mother and daughter

Canada slips away, Pickering to Quebec City to the mighty St. Lawrence and finally even Newfoundland's snow covered mountains disappear from view. The hiking boots are waxed and the camera gear packed into a backpack. Fellow passengers pull down their window shades and disappear into a world of movies and television. I leave my window bright and marvel at this great vast country that I am blessed to call home. At the end of the day Maria will be meeting me. I can't wait.


I wandered about this city, admiring medieval homes, ancient universities and cobble-stoned roads. Maria and I enjoyed a sandwich and a pint in The Eagle and Child, a Lewis and Tolkien hangout. In the evening we listened to men's voices raised in song in the Christ Church Cathedral.


Simply a lovely little town. Old homes higgeldly-piggeldly placed along narrow roads and footpaths. I felt like I had walked into a postcard. As I walked through the cemetary by the Roman Catholic Church the bells started to play. It is a Charming place, and I was charmed!

Together we set out in the afternoon to explore the Charlbury countryside. Past an estate, past fields of sheep, ancient trees, and through the woods.

Corfe Castle

At the head of this town stand these ruins, a testimony to the passing of kingdoms and the frailty of man.



Lulworth Cove

near Wool

Lyme Regis


  1. Oh Marieke, what delightful photos! Happy for you that you could spend time with your daughter. ((hugs)) Joanne

  2. So beautiful and made all the more so, knowing that you spent them with Maria. Lovely!
