Wednesday, April 21, 2010

tales from the travelers three

Norah was gazing upwards at an unusually bright moon, "I can see all the buggers on it!" (craters)

May we always take the time to look heavenward
and give thanks for the gifts of the fourth day!

Celestial Paths

Oh! Thou who taught my infant eye
To pierce the air and view the sky,
To see my God in earth and seas,
To hear Him in the vernal breeze,
To know Him midnight thoughts among,
O guide my soul and aid my song.
Spirit of Light, do Thou impart
Majestic truths and teach my heart:
How vain my powers, how weak my frame;
Teach me celestial paths untrod-
The ways of Glory and of God.

George Crabbe


"Well" said Tommy, insisting that he needed bubbles in the bathtub for his boat to float on, "The Dawn Treader was floating in the white lilies".
"Well" said Marten, insisting that he did not want bubbles in the bathtub, "Sometimes the water was actually very clear- and they could see little people on the bottom of the ocean". (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Narnia)

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