The children have been asking for a campfire, and last night the weather was well suited for it.
Feeling rather pleased with myself I built a fire that would do any boy scout proud. Izak brought out the makings of 'smores, I found some marshmallow roasting sticks and we were all set.
Hoping for quality family time I was disappointed. Lack of enthusiasm, discouraging words, disobedience, fueling my disappointment, anger burning inside me. In frustration I doused the Kodak moment and sent everyone inside. Quality moment up in smoke.
Was there still enjoyment? Were the memories created good? or only negative? Little boy said it was good.
Lord, we are incredibly weak, prone to selfishness, to wrong motives. Our parenting needs redemption. Parent with us, sit around the table and the campfires with us. Teach us to reflect your love. Kindle devotion in their hearts.
Today is a new day, we will try again. love them, teach them, try again.