We had an amazing sermon in church yesterday by Dr. deVisser.
Jeremiah 3:6- 4:2
The Cure for Backsliding
1. (vs 19)Remembering the Lord's intentions.
He had given his people a beautiful land and blessed them greatly. An image of a husband and wife in the honeymoon stage is given. Today we should remember that Christ died for us to give us eternal life. He has blessed us with countless gifts. God has promised us His faithfulness and that regardless of our failings He never fails. Remember that when your faith is low.
2. (vs 21)Recognize the pain of separation.
The Israelites turned to idols, expecting prosperity from them. At some point they realized that this was not giving them what their souls needed. Just as the prodical son started to realize that the life he had chosen was empty and foolish. Living in sin does not pay. Today we have our own idols. Each one of us can take some time to think about this. What are my idols? Perhaps my home? My children...don't I wish for them to be smart and successful, artistic? talented? My self? What takes up most of my thoughts and energy? Do I devote as much time to the worship of my God as to the other things in my life?
3. Answering the call.
God doesn't mince words. He still calls the Isrealites unfaithful, but He promises to "cure you of your backsliding". He doesn't deny guilt but promises to cure. How close are we to the Lord? Do we pray for a daily increase in our faith and fellowship? In Phillipians 3 Paul says "everything is a loss compared to knowing Christ my Lord"! Is that how I live my life? If our main goal is serving God everything else will fall into place.
4. (vs 24-25) Assess the damage.
Be ashamed of your sin. Sin leaves scars. you can't just go back to the honeymoon phase. There is loss. Consequences. Think of the idols in our own lives. How does the pursuit of them hurt us and our families?
5. (ch4:1,2) Expect new blessings.
God promised that he would bless not only Israel but also the nations surrounding them. Restoration is possible. He can bless us too and use us, scars and all, to bless those around us.
Don't settle for a 2nd best life by not being fully committed to your Lord. God always loves us without compromise.